Altruistiq's Activities Methodology for Emissions Accounting

This primer outlines how we calculate your emissions via Altruistiq's Activity Methodology and how it aligns to the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard.
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Why Activities?

There are four core reasons for using an Activity-led emissions measurement methodology:

  1. Activities simplify data collection, storage and management. An activity is a discrete action that a business completes, which has a single emissions calculation methodology structure. We can apply multiple emissions factors to each activity to provide a holistic view of its emissions impact across the activity life-cycle.
  2. Activities are more business-friendly than the GHG Protocol. This is true on two accounts - firstly they are more easy to understand for wider business actors and secondly they are more closely aligned to existing data-sourced in the business. The Activity-led methodology therefore allows us to achieve our principle of usability.
  3. Activities can be applied across accounting standards. Although the GHG Protocol is the existing and most widely used emissions accounting standard, this is still an emerging space. Activities allow us to stay standard agnostic, focusing on allocation rather than calculation at a standard level.
  4. We can consider the wider environmental impact of Activities. Activities naturally cause emissions, but they can also cause adverse water, biodiversity, plastic pollution (and more) impacts. Therefore, this Activity-driven methodology will allow us to expand the scope of the Altruistiq Platform in the future.

Regardless of this Activities-based view, the Altruistiq emissions accounting engine is built in compliance with the GHG Protocol and you can see emissions broken down in both structures throughout the application.

See Altruistiq's Activity Areas below: 
Each activity can map to multiple areas of the GHG Protocol, depending on the position of your business within the value chain. A full mapping and summary can be found in our methodology white-paper, however, a summary of this mapping is shown below.
If you have any further questions on this methodology do take a look at our full methodology white-paper or speak to the insights team using

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